The past few weeks I have really struggled not being able to go to church, see my church family, hear God's word and worship. I look forward each week to my time there with like minded followers that look to serve God but with the Covid-19 virus we are challenged to do so. We have gathered in small groups by phone and Facebook to talk, pray and see any needs our church family has but it has still left me longing for more of what I have so desperately missed in my fathers house. I have found myself being in a funky mood so I looked around at what I was missing other than the obvious, where Has my Joy gone? I decided to step back away from social media and tv with so many negative things going on and replaced it with music and scripture time. I decided to spend more time at the barn enjoying sunshine, hearing the birds sing, watching the kids ride horses and the sheep grazing.
This time of year we have lambs being born and I cant help but think of the sacrifice of the lambs that is spoke many times in the bible. Today, we noticed a sheep with her lambs and something appeared to be wrong. I watched my husband go to the sheep and take her lamb, she followed him and looked for him to help her lamb. At that moment I thought this is how I feel looking to God for help. I watched how she followed him to the gate watching to see what he was doing next, she stood patiently waiting as he tended to the baby then he sat the baby back by her side. He is the shepherd to our herd, they depend on him for food, shelter, water, care when sick, and to keep them safe... this is how our relationship with God should be. We should come to him for everything; from our spiritual needs, guidance, love, to keep us out of harm, when times are hard, when we are lost, thanksgiving, again EVERYTHING. He cares and wants to be our shepherd. When we take our needs to our father and surrender, follow where He leads.......the oh the peace that follows to be in your shepherds flock.
I don't know where the next few months will lead but I do know that no matter the storm I will follow my shepherd where he guides me.
He makes me lie down in green pastures;
He leads me beside quiet waters;
He restores my soul;
He guides me in the path of righteousness
For His name's sake.
Psalm 23: 2-3

Beautiful imagery, Kari. How trusting that mama lamb was to believe that her shepherd would do her lamb good, not harm. We need that same kind of trust in our Good Shepherd.