Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Day 29 - Boys Town - Daily Dose of Digital Support

Praise is one of the most powerful teaching tools you can use with your children. Praise works like a compass, an instrument that helps us determine where we are going while also giving us confidence that we are heading in the right direction. Praise works in much the same way. Regular use of praise allows parents to teach children important lessons, including:
  • they are making good choices
  • they are on the right path
  • when they are struggling or seem lost, praise can help you get them back on track
If praise is so powerful, why don’t parents use it as much and often as they should? There are several reasons. One is it’s just human nature to focus on when things go wrong instead of when they go right. The cup of milk spilled on the kitchen floor when poured by a younger child requires us to step away from what we are doing to wipe up the mess; however, that same cup of milk the younger child pours without spilling doesn’t require our attention nearly as much and usually goes unnoticed. Another reason we may not use praise enough is because we don’t recognize appropriate, expected behaviors as anything special. If we’ve already told our kids what behaviors we like, why should we have to keep telling them? The answer is because you want them to keep doing them and praise reinforces good behavior so you see again and again. And at a time like today, it’s more important than ever to focus on the positives and catch kids being good each and every day.
Getting perspective for some peace of mind
Your positive mental health activity for today is to put the focus on others. Take time today to call up a grandparent or other relative and interview them about their life. Ask questions like: What challenges have they faced throughout their lives? What other times did they feel afraid? What did they do to cope with the fear? What events, experiences, and people did they lean on during uncertain times?
Not only will sharing their experiences help them but it will also give you a better understanding of the challenges they have faced and survived. And this can bring you a much-needed perspective and peace of mind that this too shall pass and all will be well again.

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