Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Anxiety - Isaiah 41:10

I want to take some time to journey through God's Word to see what He says about managing ANXIETY in our lives.  Years ago, the word "anxious" had a more positive meaning; it was used to refer to things that we cared about or that we desired to see happen.  Somehow, in recent years it has lost that positive usage and we typically think of the anxiety in our lives as negative and associated with fear, worry, isolation and depression.

Let's begin with a verse in Isaiah 41:10
While the actual word - "anxious" does not appear in this verse, isn't that what we are experiencing when we feel fear and dismay?

This is a great verse to memorize so you always have it with you when anxiety presses in on you.

Isaiah was a man God called to be a prophet - someone who had the job of receiving messages from God and then communicating that message to the people that needed to hear it.  Much of his life, the message that he had to deliver was not one you would want to receive.  He was tasked with warning people that God was righteous and holy and He wanted His people to repent and turn from their sin and be restored to Him.  He warns of the coming days of judgement for those who do not.  Hearing Isaiah's message of judgement should have brought a great deal of anxiety to the people.  But here in this chapter, God reminds the people that when they listen and obey, He always rescues them.  In verse 9 He gives them the reason they should not be afraid:  He says, "I took you from the ends of the earth, from its farthest corners I called you.  I said, 'You are my servant'; I have chosen you and have not rejected you." 

When we rely on our own strength and abilities to get us through challenging times, we have every reason to be anxious.  Deep down, we know we have limits, we know we have weaknesses, we know we can't make it through everything we will face.  God reminds us that our limits are not His - just because we may be at the end of our rope or feel trapped in a corner does not mean He is!  If we will acknowledge our limitations and failings and be restored to Him through repentance and forgiveness, He will be with us, He will be our God, He will strengthen and help us. 

Prayer:  "Father, I confess that toe unknown of this virus makes me feel out of control and fearful.  I confess that I forget how great a God You are and I try to rely on my own wisdom and strength.  Please forgive me for my fear and my lack of trust in Your wisdom and control.  Help me to recognize Your presence with me.  Help me understand how safe I am with You as my God.  Strengthen me to be able to face the challenges and changes that may come with grace and acceptance.  And in times when I feel overwhelmed, remind me that You hold me in the palm of Your hand."  Amen.

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