Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Day 31 - Boys Town - Daily Dose of Digital Support

Having a daily plan and routine is more important now than ever. It helps you better navigate your kid’s schoolwork, work duties many of us are doing from our kitchen tables and makeshift home offices, the need to make sure the refrigerator is stocked, the constant pull of staying informed about virus updates and the ever-changing economic realities…and much more. This is a lot for parents to do! And all of this takes up so much of your time and mental bandwidth that it’s easy to forget about self-care. But, taking care of yourself is one of the most important things you can do every day, and scheduling it into your daily routine is a great way to ensure it happens. Download the following free daily planner to make sure you are including some very important self-care “to-dos” into your daily routine.
Download Daily Planner

Positive Mental Health Tip: Weekend planning

Our weekends are much different than they used to be. Our preferred activities like going to the gym, eating at our favorite restaurant, shopping, catching a movie and so many others are not options right now. This can cause parents and children to get down about the coming weekend. To combat this, encourage everyone to start planning their weekends so they can continue to do their part to beat the virus by social distancing while also planning ways to have fun. Developing a plan can brighten your mood and help you look forward to the weekend. So, urge your family to start their Social Distancing Daily Planner schedule for the weekend. We can all continue to contribute to the solution and have a fun, enjoyable weekend if we take some time to plan for both.

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