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In times of challenge and uncertainty, God designed us to reach out to one another. In this season of social distancing, we offer devotionals, messages of encouragement and tips and ideas for managing your households. Please share with another so no one feels alone. Let each of us "help the other up." On this blog you will find Scripture interwoven with budget-friendly recipes, gardening tips, household management tips, parenting tips and more.
Friday, March 27, 2020
Day 11 - Boys Town - Daily Dose of Digital Support
Day 10 - Boys Town - Daily Dose of Digital Support
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Day 9 - Boys Town - Daily Dose of Digital Support
Are you or a loved one feeling
restless, fighting food cravings, lacking motivation or battling the blues? If
so, you may have a case of cabin fever and today’s Daily Dose offers a few
Stop the cravings, take a brain break and
trigger your happy hormones by stretching, jumping or lifting. Some of our
favorite exercises include jumping jacks, busting out epic dance moves during
an at-home talent show and finding our center doing yoga poses. But if those
are a hard pass for you, there are many online resources to help get you and
your family energized, including this insightful guide from Boys Town
feel good message: Don’t
fear your feelings. If today you’re happy, embrace it. If tomorrow you’re sad,
accept it. Your feelings are going to change, and that shouldn’t scare you or
stress you. See why here.
Until tomorrow, be safe and be healthy.
Remember, your mental health matters too!Wednesday, March 25, 2020
Day 8 - BoysTown - Daily Dose of Digital Support
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Tuesday, March 24, 2020
Day 7 - BoysTown - Daily Dose of Digital Support
Song - Enough - Elias Dummer
“Music… will help dissolve your perplexities and purify your character and sensibilities, and in time of care and sorrow, will keep a fountain of joy alive in you.” ― Dietrich Bonhoeffer
For the past
few years I have asked God to give me a word to focus on from January through
December. This simple practice of choosing a word for the year has been very
transforming for me. Every year holds so many highs and lows, but what stands
out in my mind at the end is how God revealed Himself specially through that
one word. This year God gave me the word “enough” as my focus. As our world
faces all the fear and uncertainty coming from the Covid-19 pandemic, I find
myself needing to cling to this word more than ever.
When I spend
time reading my Bible I am reminded again and again that God is the God who
provides. He loves His people so deeply and He never fails to meet them in
their needs. One of my favorite stories is when Jesus feeds thousands of
people. He had just spent the entire day sharing the good news of God’s kingdom
with them, and healing those who needed healing. Jesus’ twelve disciples came
to Him and suggested He send the crowds home so they could find something to
eat. Jesus told the disciples not to send the people away, but to provide for
their needs.
I can only
imagine how shocked the disciples were when they heard Jesus’ instructions. The
Bible tells us there were 5,000 men in the crowd that day. Scholars estimate
that with women and children included there were probably more than 15,000
people present. The disciples were not rich people. They often depended on
other people’s kindness to meet their daily needs. If I were one of the
disciples standing in front of Jesus in this moment, I probably would have told
Him, “But Jesus, what you ask is impossible! We do not have enough.”
“Not enough”
is not something that stands in the way of our God. Jesus took the little the
disciples were able to find, five loaves of bread and two small fish given to
them by a boy in the crowd, and He multiplied it. He prayed to God and gave the
food to the disciples. Miraculously the food did not run out as they passed it
around to the 15,000 people. There were actually 12 whole baskets of food left
over after everyone had eaten and was satisfied. The disciples approached Jesus
with their lack, and He gave them more than enough.
At a
different time in their journey with Jesus, the disciples asked Jesus how to
pray. He taught them the prayer which is now known as the Lord’s prayer. In it
He prayed to God, “Give us today our daily bread,” (Matthew 6:11). We can trust
God to give us what we need for today. We cannot always see what tomorrow will
hold or how He will provide for us then, but we can trust Him to take care of
us here in this moment.
As you think
about this virus and all the ways it is changing what you once considered
normal life, what is the “daily bread” you need God to provide? Maybe your
prayers sound something like this:
Give me
today… the patience I need to love my children and show them kindness.
Give me
today… the faith I need to trust you are good.
Give me
today… the basic necessities I need to care for myself and my family.
Give me
today… peace so I will not become overwhelmed by the uncertainty around me.
Give me
today… rest because I am so weary, and I cannot carry on alone.
We can
always bring our needs before God. We are His children and He loves us all. He
is always listening, and He is standing nearby ready to comfort and strengthen
us. This season might hold fear, doubt, and uncertainty. We do not know when
this will pass or just how we will be impacted until it does. These things are
true, but this season can be marked by something else as well. We can choose to
make this a season of trust, hope, compassion for our neighbors, and drawing
near to God. We can choose to rely on Him for our daily bread, and discover
again and again each day that He is always enough.
We hope you will visit the Music post "Enough" as part of your quiet time with God today and let the music speak to your heart as you grow in your ability to believe that Jesus is enough for you, today and always.
Written by Christina Roberts
Luke 9:10-17
When the
apostles returned, they reported to Jesus what they had done. Then He took them
with Him and they withdrew by themselves to a town called Bethsaida, but the
crowds learned about it and followed Him. He welcomed them and spoke to them
about the kingdom of God, and healed those who needed healing.
Late in the
afternoon the Twelve came to him and said, “Send the crowd away so they can go
to the surrounding villages and countryside and find food and lodging, because
we are in a remote place here.”
He replied,
“You give them something to eat.”
answered, “We have only five loaves of bread and two fish—unless we go and buy
food for all this crowd.” (About five thousand men were there.)
But He said
to His disciples, “Have them sit down in groups of about fifty each.” The
disciples did so, and everyone sat down. Taking the five loaves and the two
fish and looking up to heaven, He gave thanks and broke them. Then He gave them
to the disciples to distribute to the people. They all ate and were satisfied,
and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces that were left
Monday, March 23, 2020
Activities for free time with kids
Keeping kids occupied is not always easy. Sure, they could watch tv, YouTube, and play devices all day.... but we don’t want that!!! Here are just a few ideas that we plan to do or have done before that can be used for any age.
Photo Scavenger Hunts📷 - Pinterest is chopped full of them!! These would be so fun with a Polaroid! If you don’t have one just use a phone/iPod.
Exercise🏃🏼♀️- Again, tons on Pinterest! We love this one!!! Spell out different words and let them do the exercise that goes with that letter. Or...just use the different exercises as circuits!
Science experiments 🧪- There are lots on Pinterest!! You just have to look through to see what ingredients you have on hand! The foil boat is easy and fun!
Art 🖼- I love this one... coffee filters and markers. Either the center tip set in water or spray with water. It will give a tie dyed effect and they can turn them into any creation they want!
Just for fun..... make some bubbles! I am not sure about mixing the syrup, but for sure dawn and water!! I can’t wait to do this with the kids today!! .
Do you have other suggestions?? Let’s help all the busy moms out there and post below if you have some fun things to share!!
Sunday, March 22, 2020
Day 6 - BoysTown - Daily Dose of Digital Support
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Day 5 - BoysTown - Daily Dose of Digital Support
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